
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu unseren Produkten, die wir in den letzten Jahren programmiert haben.

MQTT driver

MQTT driver


The MQTT driver provides the following features:
• Supports MQTT 3.1
• Supports MQTT 3.1.1
• Automatic protocol detection
• Automatic Reconnect
• Offline Buffering
• Standard TCP support
• Non-Blocking API (asynchronous calling)
• High Availability (Fallback Server)
• Supports WinCC OA Redundancy
• Special syntax for decoding JSON structures






The purpose of this Add-On is to ease the standardization of development in the WinCC OA Environment. 
This is achieved by adding Hotkeys for frequently used codestructures and a series of standardized debug-calls, as well as an expansion of the existing context menu for the GEDI file explorer.






Energy suppliers bill companies on the total amount of consumed energy as well as on peak draw.
The EMAX-Module classifies and controls consumers to reduce needless Peaks.



EMAX Simulator

EMAX Simulator


Add-on to simulate our Addon EMAX. It can't be used without EMAX.






This Add-On is a ready to use and easy to install Email Client for your WinCC OA Project.
The InnMail Add-On offers intuitive handling and all the usual features of an Email Client without much work on your part.




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Prozessvisualisierung, Anlagensteuerung, Gebäudeleittechnik und Videoüberwachung in Grafing, nahe München / Bayern

   Marktplatz 14
     85567 Grafing bei München

  (+49) 8092 / 25 5010-0
  (+49) 8092 / 25 5010-9


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